Posts Tagged :

credit cards

Four saving strategies for spring and summer

As the winter months come to an end in Australia, you’re probably antsy to get out in the warmer weather. But getting out more could also mean increased spending. If you’re trying to figure out how to save this spring and summer, easy ways to get a boost include sticking to a budget, using credit card rewards, having social functions at home and saving on energy costs. 1. Stick to a budget Sticking to a budget is easier said than…

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Life hack: How to beat credit card interest

If you’ve got a credit card but you’re sick of being stung with interest costs, you might be wondering how you can avoid paying interest but still use the card for the maximum benefits. We’ve broken it down. Credit card interest – the good, the bad and the ugly Each month, your card will tell you the total amount you owe on your account, and it will also tell you the ‘Minimum Payment Due’. You might choose to pay just…

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Credit cards: Why a low-interest or balance transfer credit card could work for you

How credit card balance transfers work If you find yourself in credit card debt, paying a huge amount of interest every month and never making any reduction in the balance because it’s all going in interest, a balance transfer could be your way out. In a way you would be paying off your credit cards with another credit card, but the crucial difference is that the new credit card may come with an interest rate holiday. (After a basic card?…

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Credit cards: Are rewards credit cards, travel cards and cash-back cards a good idea?

Rewards, travel and cash-back cards There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Basically, no-one’s going to be putting rewards and inducements your way unless you’re spending enough to make it worth their while to look after you. If you’re not spending at least $1,000 on your card each month, you’re probably not going to be earning enough to make it worth your while, especially once you factor in the annual fee, which can be quite a lot for a…

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Putting everything on your credit card? There are other ways to pay

Don’t believe you have to have a credit card. Paying interest sucks and there are other ways to pay. It sucks the lifeblood out of your finances. That’s because unless you clear your entire bill within the interest free days, you pay interest. That interest means you’re paying as much as 20% more than your mates for the same things, which may have a detrimental effect on your finances over time. Other (sometimes better) ways to pay Thankfully there are…

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What credit score do I need to buy a house?

Are you thinking about taking the next big step in your life and applying for a home loan? Buying your own property is a major part of becoming financially stable in the future, because you have a huge investment as a part of your portfolio. However, if you don’t have a clean credit report, you could find it difficult to get favourable terms on your mortgage. When a lender looks at your application for a home loan, they’ll consider more…

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5 easy ways to be smart about your credit card usage

Are you finding your credit card debt racks up quickly every month, no matter how much you try to pay off? If you don’t have the right sort of account, or a limit set too high, it can be easy to blow your budget on a purchase you really don’t need. Adding debt to the point where you’re unable to repay lenders can affect your credit report. When you can’t pay what you owe, a default will be marked against…

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Are your finances suffering from ‘excusitis’? Beat it, now

Liar, liar, pants on fire. We Aussies are masters at coming up with excuses for our spending and debt. I’ve heard it called “excusitis”. We convince ourselves that “we’re different” or that “we need it”, or “everyone else does it”. It’s that six inches of grey stuff between your ears that’s at fault. And it’s getting worse. A staggering 70.19% of Australians have a credit card  and our balances have grown from $5.9bn in 1995 to $51.8bn in 2016. Ouch.…

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Will closing my credit cards hurt my credit score? Consider this first

You’d think closing off credit cards or other accounts would boost your bankability in the eye of providers. The reality is that sometimes it can do exactly the opposite. Closing off some accounts after paying down your debt may actually lower your credit score. Take mortgages for example. It would be natural to think that clearing your home loan would improve your credit score. But hold that thought. One of the lesser known things that could hurt your credit score…

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Hand holding cardboard credit card
Did you know the first credit card was made of cardboard? Here are five random (but fascinating) facts about credit cards

The first credit card was cardboard The first independent credit card was Diners Club, founded in 1949 after hungry co-founder Frank McNamara took clients out to dinner and realised he’d left his wallet in another suit. His wife paid the bill and Frank thought up a charge card that would help him avoid embarrassment next time. He pitched the idea to the restaurant owner, and next day consulted his lawyer to get the ball rolling. Frank’s first Diners Club card…

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